Dr. Vikhe Patil Foundation


Dr. Vikhe Patil Foundation, Pune, is a Public Trust registered under Bombay Public Trust Act 1950 with registration No. E – 672 (Pune), was established in 1980 in memory of Padmashree Dr. Vitthalrao Vikhe Patil who is a legendary figure in the history of co-operative enterprise pioneered co-operative movement as a tool for social, educational & economic upliftment of the rural masses. To realize the visionary thoughts, to raise awareness amongst the small peasants and rural poor, through spread of technical and non-technical education, we at Dr. Vikhe Patil Foundation focus on quality education through our schools/institutes and all round development of the students.

Know More: https://drvpf.org/


Dr. Vikhe Patil Foundation, Pune also focuses on the following objectives:


  • Integrated Community development
  • Teacher & Faculty development
  • Mental health & holistic development of the child
  • Management & Industrial Research Academic Exchange Programme.

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